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constructing a meaningful transition into parenthood. supporting parents, from pregnancy to having kids in preschool, become the person they want to be in parenthood.

Parenting can bring twists, turns and pivots you don't expect. And going through the unknowns alone only works for so long before overwhelm, isolation or inadequacy will creep in.Even though these feelings might still pop up every now and then, most of the time, we're just looking to:

  • Be emotionally, mentally and physically resilient to the changes of parenthood.

  • Feel supported and empowered with information and real things that have worked for others in a safe and welcoming community.

  • Make time for ourselves, progress in our career, and keep our identity in tact after baby.

  • Feel connected to your partner and understand how to better communicate desires and needs to each other.

And guess what? You can. It's possible. And we know from our own experiential and formal learning. Learn about our community where you can feel supported, resilient and connected to yourself, kids and partner.

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Our mission is to give kids a good childhood by affording their parents a good parenthood from the start.

We focus on the parents so they can focus on their kids.Whether preparing for baby or in the throws of early parenthood, we can support by building the solid foundation for a confident transition into parenthood at the beginning with tools that will last the entire parenting journey.

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Client love

client review, I recommend Christy's coaching to anyone navigating parenthood. her approachability, insightful questions, and genuine care make her an invaluable ally during this transformative journey. thanks to her guidance, i feel more confident and pre
client review, her expertise and compassion make her an invaluable resources for anyone transitioning into parenthood

the parents table approach to coaching is different because we acknowledge the length of the transition and the multi-faceted needs of a transition

Our approach is different

What many do not realize, or perhaps are starting to understand now, is the journey into parenthood often lasts longer than expected. In fact, transitions in life, including becoming a parent, can typically take around 4 years to fully navigate and be in a new normal.Readjusting expectations and finding self-compassion takes time and effort. This isn't an overnight success story, this is a life building process we are building as parents.Transitioning into parenthood is a non-linear, multifaceted journey, tailored to each person's growth. We provide various modalities like creative expression, mindfulness, movement, communication techniques, peer support, language exploration and practical tools, allowing for personalized progress in the parenthood journey.

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Community & Group Coaching

From monthly memberships to focused coaching programs & masterminds, to DIY workbooks & courses (coming soon!), we're here to provide support for each unique journey.

coaching services, community memberships and links to more classes, courses and downloads

workshops free intro call to explore topics for speaker events and workshops and business consulting for parental leave or early parenthood


Join me for a FREE 30-minute exploration call to discuss what you are looking for in a workshop, speaking event or business consulting for parental leave programs or ERG growth. Let's collaborate towards a successful partnership tailored to your needs for leaders & employees.

1:1 coaching

You'll get personalized guidance to help you achieve a more meaningful and intentional transition into parenthood. Unlock your potential and create lasting change with Christy's one-on-one coaching.

contact us for a brief call and start taking control of your personal success in parenthood.

Photo of Christy. Learn more about Christy, founder of The Parents Table and the mission she's on to help create a great parenthood so kids can have a great childhood and see if we align with your values and path forward.


Learn more about Christy, founder of The Parents Table and the mission she's on to help create a great parenthood so kids can have a great childhood and see if we align with your values and path forward.

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My fave books


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Reach out to find out my fave's on all things related to parenting, parental leave and birthing. Fill out the below and send me an email.

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Community & Group Coaching

It's important to find a community that aligns with your values, goals and personality.We strive to provide a safe place where you can be authentic, feel validated in your struggles and gain support for your parenthood journey.Christy, Parenthood Transition Coach and Will Lowry, Dad Coach are ready to help you through the transition to becoming a parent and growing your family from pregnancy to preschool.

Community Membership

contact us for a brief call and start taking control of your personal success in parenthood.

Empowering busy moms in early motherhood with community, connection, advice and shared experiences.

The Hive - Early Motherhood Community offers tools and resources to ease this journey, including weekly calls covering topics that focus on our big life areas - You, Kids, Partnership, Career, Home, Family, and Friends.Navigating parenthood is a prolonged journey, often spanning about four to five years to adjust to a new normal and find self-compassion amidst shifting identities, values, and responsibilities.This transformative phase is pivotal and transformational when supported by community and shared experiences. We are meant to be cared for in a communal sense as humans, not be alone in life and to understand our human experience with the help of those around us.For those navigating motherhood without their own mothers, we have a dedicated call for you as we know this experience requires different considerations.

Join our vibrant community membership! Connect with like-minded mothers, access exclusive resources, and participate in engaging discussions.The membership program is ongoing and members pay monthly to stay in the membership and access the community, resources and calls. Apply now to be a part of our growing community!

Group coaching programs

Welcome to our transformative group coaching programs! Explore parenthood together through engaging discussions, diverse perspectives, and shared experiences. Find accountability, motivation, and new insights in our affordable and flexible environment. Group coaching programs have set timeframes anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months. Enroll now!

Building a Strengths-Based &
Fair Home System Together | 6-Week Program

Will and Christy provide education on their process of building and maintaining a harmonious home and life with 3 kids, how to overcome obstacles together and how to maintain consistency with the program.Our next cohort starts August 20, 2024!Dates/Times: Tuesdays at 2:00PM MT starting August 20th (8/20, 8/27, 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24) A zoom link will be sent out the week before calls begin!NOTE: This workshop is geared towards the wife/mother/primary domestic caregiver. We will have our last workshop available for partners to attend. We encourage all class materials and homework to be shared and completed with partners each week.

Transform your home life with our virtual class on creating and maintaining a fair and efficient household system. Here’s what you'll gain when you join us:

  • Being in a home that benefits both you and your partner.

  • Build a framework where tasks are shared based on strengths, not stereotypes.

  • Lighten your load, reclaim valuable time for yourself, and achieve a better equilibrium between personal and caregiving responsibilities.

  • Develop a sustainable strategy for long-term household efficiency.

  • Improve your connection with your partner through effective communication and empathy.

  • Approach discussions with confidence and clarity, overcoming challenges with dialogue techniques.

  • Identify and leverage your strengths for tasks you enjoy while establishing clear roles based on strengths, time availability, and preferences.

  • Minimize anxiety, stress, and burnout.

  • Plus, so much more awaits you!

Don't miss out—join now and start building a home system that works seamlessly for you and your family.

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1:1 Private Coaching

This is for individuals who are looking for bite-sized, personalized support in specific areas. I will answer questions and guide you in 60 minute sessions. I offer coaching packages in 3, 6 or 10 session groupings to ensure you see the change we set course on during our time together.

  • Managing the load at home and how to invite your partner into sharing the home more fairly

  • Identifying and asking for your needs to be met, self-care

  • Grieving life as a non-parent, redefining and recreating your identity as a mother

  • Support while you are on-leave and getting used to baby

  • Focus on returning to work and how to communicate with others

  • When your parental leave turns into not going back to work and focusing on your family instead

  • Vision planning and developing core values

  • Navigating motherhood without a mother - estranged or deceased

  • Getting organized and creating systems, routines and better habits for daily living

  • Being more intentional with your time at work and with your spouse, child/children and friends

  • Taking care of yourself and identifying ways to better cope

  • Grieving your non-parent identity and working through the feelings around working parenthood

  • and much more!

Parental Leave Wellness Workbook

Expecting parents embarking on the exciting chapter of maternity leave deserve a comprehensive and strategic approach. Our Workbook empowers career-oriented individuals to plan their leave, maintaining open lines of communication and expectations with workplaces while crafting a blueprint for their self-care and well-being. This Workbook is for you if you're looking to:

  • Calm your chaos, gain control, advocate for your needs, and feel accomplished not only as a new parent or parent-again, but as an individual.

  • Excel both professionally and as a parent through work planning, well-being management practices and reflection.

  • Explore and find ways to implement your self-care practices.

  • Have more tools and exercises to find relief in your overwhelm and keep track of your mental health and well-being.

  • Grant yourself and others grace during this new journey.

  • Feeling purposeful, valued as a mom and accomplished as a person with planned activities, routines and reflection.

  • Be able to focus on your family with a no mess & an easier return to work path.

  • Feel like an incredible leader with clear communication and expectations with work, family and friends.

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Motherhood Community

Empowering Moms Navigating Early Motherhood

WELCOME TO YOUR VILLAGE!We often hear it takes a village to raise a child. And while it does, that child only has that village if the mother has hers.Glad you are joining us, you are welcome here. Welcome to be supported, authentic and understood in your motherhood journey.

LIMITED TIME: JULY INTRO PRICEIntroductory price $34/month when you sign up in July only! Our standard monthly rate is $68/month.

OUR MISSIONI'm dedicated to providing holistic support that goes beyond practical and tactical ways of navigating parenthood.

  • Practical and Creative Integration: We combine worksheets, dialogue, and hands-on activities like poetry reading and artistic expression to explore different systems and perspectives. This approach helps reframe, understand, and express thoughts and emotions.

  • Holistic Approach to Parenthood: By embracing a balance of practical tools and artistic exploration, we nurture your mind, body, and spirit, supporting your journey through the transformative experience of motherhood.

  • Diverse Modalities: We offer various methods—including creative expression, mindfulness, movement, communication techniques, peer support, and practical tools—to provide a personalized and multifaceted approach to your parenthood journey.

WHY US?To provide a safe space where you feel a sense of belonging and have a community you can rely on for support through every twist and turn of motherhood.Motherhood is about a lot more than just parenting or juggling diapers, daycare and dinner. It's about how we can provide a great childhood to our kids, while still maintaining who we are and always pushing forward to who we want to become in all of our roles - wife, mom, person, daughter, friend, professional, etc.


  • Private Slack Group

  • Weekly 60 Minute Virtual Calls on Zoom

  • Free Guest Speaker Events

  • Worksheets, Resources

  • Discount on 1:1 Coaching

  • First to Grab New Stuff

WHO IS WELCOME HERE?Mothers who are pregnant and within the first 5 years of their child's life - from pregnancy to preschool basically.Whether you are a new mom expecting and experiencing your first child, if you are on your 5th or if you have a 5 year old with multiple kids - we welcome you with open arms. We are proud of you for being here and exploring what community looks like for your support system.If you find yourself in the category of navigating motherhood without your mom, we also provide group calls for mothers who do not have mothers living with us here any longer.






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Parental Leave Mastery
6 Month Program

a 3-phase journey empowering you to lead your parenthood transition

Parental leave coaching offers personalized support and guidance to employed individuals as they navigate the transition into parenthood. From preparing for parental leave to life with baby to returning to work, I provide assistance with integrating work and life together, addressing emotional concerns, supporting your self care, strengthening your marriage, planning for career paths and more. I offer resources and strategies to help individuals feel supported and empowered in their roles as both parents, people, partners and professionals.

Some of our discussions will include the following:

  • Communication strategy with your employer

  • Planning your exit and transitioning work

  • Identifying your support network (aka "your village")

  • Developing a self-care practice that is sustainable and manageable

  • Perinatal mental health screenings

  • Boundary setting with work, family, friends and spouse

  • Return to work strategies

  • Roles and Responsibilities in the home

  • Shiftng priorities and identity

  • Future career planning and redefining your path

During our time together, you'll get:

  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 private coaching sessions (every other week, 10 total)

  • Bi-Monthly couples coaching sessions (every other month, 3 total)

  • Slack channel for group messaging & support (entirety of the program)

  • Monthly group calls for content teachings & discussion (last week of month, 6 total)

  • 360o Parental Leave Transition Assessment ($500 value)

  • Printed On-Leave Wellness Workbook ($79 value)

  • Access to me outside of sessions via DM, Text or Email

  • Leave planning template, email templates, conversation scripts, pre-recorded meditations & visualization exercises

You'll walk away feeling & being...

  • Confident, proud and in control of your leave plans

  • A rockstar leader committed, reliable and invaluable to work and family

  • Able to ask and allow for support, communicating your needs and expectations clearly

  • Aligned with your spouse on how birth, home and work will be handled

  • Equipped with tools for a solid self-care practice

  • A focused and present mother with the self confidence to take care of a baby

  • Grateful for your partners ability to rise to the occasion to meet you where you are when you need it

  • Taken care of my a safe community and coach who can help advocate and guide through the unknowns and unexpected situations which ultimately arise in this transition

  • Able to find harmony and fluidity in your various roles as a parent, partner, professional and unique individual person leaving you feeling valued and fulfilled holistically

$500/month* (discount for upfront payments in full)

* Ask about how you can get Professional Development & Training Reimbursement from your Company!!

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Christy Lowry

Parenthood Transition Coach

Christy Lowry is a Certified Fair Play Method Facilitator, RETAIN Parental Leave Coach, and Mother Loss & Grief Provider based out of Colorado and the founder of The Parents Table, whose mission is to guide parents in creating a strong foundation for parenthood from the start, ensuring they prioritize their well-being and offer their children an incredible childhood.Previously, Christy spearheaded the creation and growth of the Parents & Caregivers ERG at a Fortune 500 Global FinTech, providing mentorship, coaching, leadership and resources to 5,000+ employees locally and globally.

More About Christy

My approach is different. It blends the use of creative art prompts, physical movement, mindfulness approaches, practical tools and formal education together for a holistic approach to transforming into a parent.I like to have dialogue and groups at the center of what we do together. And I like to talk about the real stuff - the hard, the gross, the scary, the taboo. There's too much silence in life. I encourage my clients to speak our silence and find our voices, otherwise the silence will drown us.I believe I can best support you if I can be relevant to you. Many coaches out there will say they can help with just about anything and that's fair, some can. And, I can support you in many ways, but not all ways. I'd prefer my clients and community get the best resources and support from experts as they need or want it. Sometimes that's me, sometimes it's bringing in someone else. I'm open to and will partner with therapists, other coaches, doctors and specialists knowing this will benefit individuals in a better way for them.

Who I help is focused on dual-income earners and supporting both partners as they enter into parenthood. I focus on mothers and mothers who no longer have their moms with them - either through estrangement or death.While I enjoy working with mothers or fathers individually, I really enjoy when we can bring both together to have a unified front. I believe in the growing number of husbands and non-birthing partners wanting to step into developing a more engaging, loving, warm and memorable home for their kids and wives by doing this parenting thing together. It's not about isolation anymore, it's about connection. And honestly, it's imperative for a successful parenthood and childhood for both parents to be engaged, growth minded and present - whether married or separated.

What you can expect to get when you come to the community or coach with me is an open, safe, accepting space. My goal for any of my clients is to feel good about the work we do together and to feel progress in the direction they desire.

My experience coaching, consulting and running community stems from my personal experiences, triumphs and lessons as a "working mom", experience creating communities out of thin air in corporate & non-profit organizations, and is fortified by formal education in multiple subjects, which I'm continuously adding to for the benefit of my community and clients. My certifications are below.

What you won't find here is a one-size-fits-all approach. I believe everyone needs a customized approach to the parenthood transition and there's no way we are going to survive in this thing called parenthood without understanding our unique needs and finding a support system to help meet those needs.We are not just about the birth. We are not just about the babies. We are not just about the first month or two of the parenthood transition. We are about providing a comprehensive approach to meeting your needs and desires as a person navigating parenthood.I, with my husband Will, offer our experience to expecting, new and growing families - empowering them to design their own unique story and foundation for life as parents, professionals, people and partners, which is uniquely theirs.

My husband and I have worked through the ebbs and flows of life to define and create the life we love, and we do it side by side. He's my rock and he's worked hard to be that for me and our family. And while he says the same about me, over the past 6 years, he's taken a different approach to fatherhood than was afforded to generations before him. With a desire to change the myth that you can't have both successfully - career and family - both Will and I can walk alongside you, building your confidence and a new foundation so your family and career can thrive in harmony.

Additionally, I've understood how much entering parenthood is not only a time to celebrate, but also to grieve what we don't have as we transition from non-parent to parent, or even from 1 to 2 to 3+ kids. The grieving process is imperative to forming yourself into the parent and person you want to be. Re-shaping and Re-membering your own identity as you embrace motherhood is an important piece that we do not talk about, have a process for, or honestly, even notice or acknowledge like we should. I have had a unique journey and new understanding of how grief plays a vital role in our parenthood journey that I desparately want to share with the world.Through the loss of my mother when I was 4 months postpartum with my 3rd child, I am learning what navigating motherhood without a mother is like. Many times, our "village" is our mom. Learning motherhood is hard, learning it without a mother, I can honestly say through experience, has even bigger challenges. Filling 'the mother-void' as I call it, takes effort and time, neither of which we have the capacity for when raising littles. If you are someone who doesn't have a mother - whether through estrangement or through the physical death of your mother - I am here for your support and to be part of the village you don't have.If my story resonates with you, reach out to me, I'd love to hear your story and if you are willing and wanting, I'd like to support you however I can since I know we can do this together!

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Let's Connect

Book your free 20 minute discovery session to get started. We'll explore your needs and questions to ensure our partnership is a good fit and we can provide what you are looking for.

Not ready to book a call? Totally fine! Please explain what you are looking for, any questions or what you are hoping to achieve. We will reach out to you as soon as we can.